Wednesday, October 30, 2013


     I've decided that even when everything is absolutely horrible, I at least have hope to hold on to. I can dream about what's to come. The world isn't ending because I'm having a rough go. In light of a better day, I'm hoping for a happy one.

     This is a note to myself, but I hope it speaks to you (the reader) as well:
     Nic, things suck right now. But remember how awesome it is to write a beautiful piece of music? Or make that perfect mug of hot chocolate? Count the little things, because some day you're going to look back and realize that those are the things that mean the most. Look ahead to the future, it's bright. We never know exactly what's ahead of us, but we can know how we'll hold ourselves up. How we will take in everything the world has to throw at us. We control our emotions. Be strong and remember how incredible you are. There are so many people out there rooting for you; people that love you; people that want you to be happy. Keep the little things close to your heart. And remember, there is always hope. 
     *I now have a mini-victories page. Whenever I consider something I've accomplished or endured worthy of a mini-victory, I'll post it on there.

1 comment:

  1. This is the happiest thing I have seen all week. I'd give you a hug, but I'm in Utah. :/ I am proud of you, friend.
    ~ Bri
