Monday, July 14, 2014

A New Beginning


So, I'm going to college in the fall. I'm not sure if it's going to be College of Idaho or Boise State yet, but I'll be going either way! I'm really excited to finally begin my pursual of my musical career!

But first...I have an offer for YOU! I'm selling my music! I can write you a personalized song and record/edit it for you! Most of my music is ambiance or sleeping music. It's in mp3 format unless specifically request otherwise. Here's how it works...

For $5....I'll write you up to 5 minutes of instrumental music. You get to choose:
  • Acoustic or Synthesized
  • Major or Minor

For $7....I'll write you up to 5 minutes of instrumental music + extras. You get to choose:
  • Acoustic or Synthesized
  • Major or Minor
  • Sound FX such as wind, rain, water, etc.
  • Motif ideas (familiar melodies)

For $10....I'll write you up to 10 minutes of instrumental music. You get to choose:
  • Acoustic or Synthesized
  • Major or Minor

For $15....I'll write you up to 10 minutes of instrumental music + extras OR misc projects such as instrumental tracks. You get to choose:
  • Acoustic or Synthesized
  • Major or Minor
  • Sound FX such as wind, rain, water, etc.
  • Motif ideas (familiar melodies)
  • OR Other special projects

For $20....You can buy my instrumental album of 10 original songs and 2 covers.
  • MP3 files or CD (if you live close!)

It's super easy to buy! All you have to do is email me the details of the song choice you made (, then click the "Buy Now" button on the right side of my blog and choose the payment amount! It's from PayPal, and it's fairly straight forward.

All of this money is going towards putting me through college, so I appreciate any help I get! Thank you all so much for the love and support. I'll get to writing, and you get to listening! 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

I Miss You

I miss you
I miss seeing you
I miss kissing you
I miss talking to you
I miss listening to you
I miss holding your hand
I miss looking into your eyes
I miss feeling safe next to you
I miss having my head on your chest
I miss laughing at your jokes
I miss being with you
I miss cuddling you
I miss nuzzling you
I miss your smell
I miss your voice
I miss everything
I miss you

The very first time I was smiling at you,
I knew that someday I'd be crying over you.
I tell myself I'll be okay
But I know you'll never go away
You may have left me lying here
All alone and full of fear
This has been the hardest part,
Trying to cut you out of my heart.
No matter how far you run away,
I'll always wish you would have stayed.
And now you won't acknowledge me.
You wouldn't even forgive me.
I did the best that I could do
All because I thought I loved you.
The very first time I was smiling at you,
I knew that someday I'd be crying over you.

I hate this
I hate all of this
I hate this so much
I hate that I lost you
I hate that I can't see you
I hate that I can't talk to you
I hate that I ruined everything
I hate that you won't forgive me
I hate feeling so alone all of the time
I hate the fact that I love you
I hate everything about this
I hate saying goodbye
I hate being desperate
I hate how I feel
I hate myself
I hate you
I hate this

I miss you

I hate you

I love you

I hate myself

I miss myself

I miss you